10 Most Unique Knockouts In UFC History

It is all over! Just. Like. THAT!

By Connor Bennett /

Knockouts are the ultimate highlight reel moment in Mixed Martial Arts.


The fans love them, promoters love them, the fighters delivering them certainly love them. The only person who doesn't is the one on the receiving end.

They're the most violent type of people-pleaser in all of sport.

While basic haymakers and uppercuts certainly do the job, more often than not, the more elaborate, interesting or just straight up bizarre the knockout is the better.

Fans of MMA and the UFC love the shock and awe of moments they don't see coming.

Unconventional fighting methods don't always come off, often causing more harm to a fighters chances than good. Just take one look at Anderson Silva's first loss to Chris Weidman, but when they do, something unexpected can happen that will leave everyone in awe.

A heavy right hand can end a fight, but the most unique finishes come when a fighter starts acting as if someone is playing a video game and just button mashing random combinations.

As wild as it may look, there's an incredible amount of skill, timing and precision involved in special knockouts. They're a level above in difficulty of execution, which is what makes them so rare.

If it were easy, then everyone would do it.

10. Gerard Gordeau Vs. Teila Tuli - UFC 1

Finish: Soccer Kick


This was the first knockout or TKO finish in UFC history, taking place just 26 seconds into the second fight on the UFC 1 card.

The oddity of the match up really only makes sense based on the oddity of the entire event as a whole. Billed as Savate and Sumo specialists respectively, Dutchman Gerard Gordeau and Hawaii native Teila Tuli were both making their MMA debut that night.

After charging forward and losing his balance, Tuli fell to the canvas, allowing Gordeau to casually walk up to his fallen foe, wind up, and punt his face into the next century with a brutal and unwavering soccer kick.

So much force was behind the kick that Tuli lost multiple teeth, of which two embedded themselves into Gordeau's foot.

He was so worried that taking the teeth out would open the wound and not allow him to continue with the evening's tournament, he had the doctor tape it up with Tuli's teeth still lodged in his foot... and kept fighting!

This form of finish is thankfully so rare now because in the UFC, and in most MMA promotions, the soccer kick is an illegal move that was banned years and years ago.

This was one reason why.
