10 Most Powerful Humans In Marvel Comics

Who would've thought some of the universe's most powerful characters came from our tiny planet?

By James Egan /

Comic fans regularly debate who is the most powerful character in Marvel.


Galactus is fuelled by planets. The Beyonder has more energy in one electron than an entire galaxy. Thanos wiped out half the universe with a snap of his fingers. Some cosmic titans like Eternity and The Living Tribunal are so powerful, the human brain can't comprehend it.

You'd assume the heroes and villains of Earth can't compete with power of this magnitude. Spider-Man and Captain America are really strong, but pale compared to galactic entities like the In-Betweener of The Phoenix Force. Even the strongest people on our little world can't compare with beings of this scale, right?

And nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the most insuperable beings in existence come from our planet.

Through mutation, technology, or divine intervention, several human beings have been endowed with extraordinary powers such as inter dimensional travel, energy manipulation, or time-travel. There are some people who can rewrite the law of physics, putting them in the same league as a god.

Let's have a look at some of the most powerful humans in Marvel Comics.

10. Quasar

The cosmic entity, Eon, designed an artefact to protect the universe called the Quantum Bands. Eon routinely bestows these bracelets to those he deems worthy to safeguard the cosmos.


The person who normally possesses the Quantum Bands is a SHIELD agent called Wendell Vaughn. Despite graduating with full donors, Vaughn was dismissed by SHIELD agents for his lacking a killer instinct. When he was chosen by Eon to wield the Quantum Bands, Vaughn became the superhero, Quasar.

While he possesses these armlets, Quasar can tap into the energy from the Quantum Zone; a realm where all energy in the universe originates. With the bands, he can create shields, fly through space, communicate with cosmic beings, and control all forms of energy.

He can render the Bands invisible to hide his identity and has programmed them so he is immune to telepathy. He can open a wormhole and perform a Quantum Jump to teleport vast distances in an instant.

Although it sounds like his power is limitless, the Bands are vulnerable to magic and Quasar will become exhausted if he overuses them.
