10 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Captain America

8. Red Skull - What If? #26

Captain America Magneto
Marvel Comics

Arguably Captain America's greatest foe, Red Skull has been a bane in the super-soldier's life since their earliest days in the Second World War, as well as modern-day. This is no different in alternate timelines, where the wartime duo have clashed time and time again, often to bloody results.

In "What If Captain America Were Elected President?", the wartime hero runs for president and as the story's title suggests, won the highest office in the land. He kicks off his run by focusing on developing clean energy initiatives (chief among them an orbiting solar energy collection station) and developing new diplomatic ties with the newly elected president of San Pedro, Jacinto Morez.

It was revealed during a meeting between the two leaders that Morez was really the Red Skull in disguise, who then captures the President and takes command of the orbital station, turning it into a weapon.

Before Red Skull could use the weapon on Washington, Captain America redirected its solar beam towards his nemesis' base and sacrificed himself in order to stop the HYDRA leader's schemes once and for all.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.