10 More TV Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

8. Gustavo Fring Rings The Bell - Breaking Bad

The Office Angela Dwight

One of the most memorable and shocking deaths you're ever likely to witness on the small-screen was blatantly teased in plain sight a few episodes earlier during Breaking Bad's fourth gripping season.

Not long after successfully managing to talk his way out of potential trouble during a meeting with the DEA in the "Hermanos" episode, drug kingpin Gustavo Fring finds himself in an elevator as he exits the building.

Listen closely as the 'Chicken Man' taps his fingers and worries about the DEA closing in on his operation, and you'll hear the dings of the elevator ringing out while the shot focuses on a Fring deep in thought.

The tension is real. But this moment also provided audiences with a secret clue as to how Fring's world would eventually fall apart.

Just a few episodes later in "Face Off", after paying one last potentially deadly visit to Hector Salamanca, Gus ends up having half of his face blown off and being killed. And how was that life-ending explosion caused? By Hector repeatedly ringing his bell and setting off the bomb tucked away under his wheelchair, of course - a moment secretly teased all the way back inside of that elevator.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...