10 More Horror Movies You Constantly Have To Defend Loving

9. The Lords Of Salem (2012)

Slither Slug
Anchor Bay Films

Ah, Rob Zombie. Is he a genius? Is he an unhinged maniac? Is he somehow both and neither at the same time? Honestly, it's hard to answer that. His movies tend to skirt that line right down the middle, as most can agree they are rough around the edges at best. So, how does his take on satanism and witches stand? Well, it sure is something.

The Lords of Salem follows a young woman named Heidi, played, unsurprisingly, by Sheri Moon Zombie. She is a recovering drug addict and a DJ who receives a strange music record that kickstarts a series of supernatural events, including a tentacle-armed Devil and plenty of baby murder.

This is a truly bizarre movie full of strange imagery, surrealism, and a general lack of cohesiveness. Yet, it's a film with identity, and, oftentimes, that's way more fun to watch than something paint-by-numbers.

No one will die on a hill claiming this movie is a technical marvel. However, there are plenty who will fight to tell you it's worth watching - despite the wackiness.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!