10 More Horror Movies That Had No Right To Be This Good

8. Host

Ouija  Origin of Evil

With the film industry ground to a halt by the pandemic in early 2020, filmmakers had to get truly creative if they still wanted to make movies, and in the horror sphere nobody took greater advantage of that opportunity than little-known director Rob Savage.

Savage's Host, a horror film set entirely on a Zoom call in the midst of the pandemic, took full advantage of that specific moment in time to deliver a uniquely gut-wrenching depiction of a seemingly familiar séance-gone-wrong scenario.

Despite its seemingly thrown-together nature - directed remotely by Savage, with the cast carrying out their own camera and practical effects work - Host feels impressively holistic and motivated throughout, elevated considerably by the top-drawer efforts of the mostly unknown ensemble.

Host also benefits from a drum-tight 56-minute runtime, ensuring that it can't even begin to outstay its welcome.

All the same, nobody could be blamed for having basement-low expectations for a not-even-feature-length no-budget horror film produced from concept to delivery in just three months and randomly released on Shudder totally out of nowhere.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.