10 More Horror Movies That Got Banned From Certain Countries

9. Possession - United Kingdom

The Devils
Bleeding Light Film Group/VTC

Andrzej Zulawski's Possession revolves around a spy, Mark, whose life falls into disarray after his wife Anna suddenly leaves him. Desperate to uncover the truth, Mark discovers his wife's recent actions stem from something far more disturbing than he could've ever imagined.

Even though Possession contains scenes of refrigerated body parts and fornicating monsters, it's the moment when Anna suffers an agonising miscarriage that's sure to rattle anyone.

Believing this sort of material wouldn't fly with an American audience, a recut version was released in the US. However, the truncated version was still considered too extreme for the United Kingdom. During this period, the British Board of Film Classification enforced restrictions on movies that were deemed inartistically vulgar, violent, or gory. Any feature that found itself in this bracket was referred to as a Video Nasty.

Of the 72 films that fell victim to the BBFC's wrath, Possession is among the most infamous. Although the psychological drama had a brief run in British cinemas, its home release was banned until 2000.

Despite being initially met with scorn and revulsion, time has been kind to Possession. Nowadays, it's considered Zulawski's finest work and arguably the best movie to be labelled as a Video Nasty.

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The Devils
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