10 More Horror Movie Villains Who Actually Won

9. The Mirror - Oculus

The Cleansing Hour
Warner Bros.

Sucks to lose against an inanimate object, doesn’t it? Bit embarrassing really. Good thing that you can’t be embarrassed when you’re dead, because it really saved Karen Gillan’s Kaylie some awkward conversations.

As children, Kaylie and Tim have their family torn apart by the antics of a cursed mirror. It induces hallucinations, causing their father to kill their mother and then Tim to shoot their father. In adulthood Kaylie gets the mirror back to document its powers before destroying it. Her brother, having now been released from prison for killing their dad, joins her.

Unfortunately the mirror is more powerful than Kaylie prepared for, and is back to its old tricks immediately - making her kill her fiance and sucking the siblings back into its delusions.

In a desperate final effort to end things, Tim presses the kill-switch Kaylie installed that swings down a weight to smash the mirror. As he does this, the two of them are trapped in separate hallucinations which mean he does not see that Kaylie is stood in front of the mirror.

Tim’s action sees Kaylie killed as the weight crushes her neck, and once again he is arrested for murder - this time of his sister and her fiance.


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