10 More Hardest To Watch Horror Movie Moments

8. A Swift Divorce - Possessor (2020)

Raw 2016
Signature Entertainment

Brandon Cronenberg’s second feature, Possessor, was one of the many filmic victims of the pandemic, suffering from the turbulent nature of live cinema during this time and not reaching audience it should have -- especially fans of his father David's work.

A psychological body horror, Possessor poses complex questions about identity in an alternate past (2008) where covert assassins possess the body of their victims, staging suicides, murders and other atrocities for shady, big-money clientele. One such assassin, Tasya Vos (Andrea Riseborough) has had her consciousness inserted into other people's minds so often, however, she is losing touch with reality and descending into a living hell where she is spliced between bodies and minds.

Not a whole lot of Possessor is for the faint of heart, but the climactic scene towards the end involving Vos's own family proves a grisly cut above the rest. Stuck within the body of her target Colin Tate (Christopher Abbott), Vos' memories lead him to her family home, and her husband and child. But, rather than do all she can to protect them, in a horrifying twist Vos encourages Tate to murder her husband with a meat cleaver, before regaining control of Tate's body again and shooting her own son dead. All in the name of becoming the perfect assassin.

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Writer, editor and lifelong critic of test screenings, money men and films-by-committee.