10 More Fan Theories That Totally Change Your Favourite Movies

Did Thanos have a plan to get his hands on the Soul Stone from the start?

Inglourious Basterds Bar Scene
Universal Pictures

No matter how many people watch exactly the same film as those around them, there will always be different interpretations of what is put on the screen. Certain parts will resonate more with some than others, small intricacies and details may not be caught by all, while some viewers connect dots in a way that no one else would have ever thought of.

This leads to fan theories that can change everything and offer a completely different viewing experience, by adding a new layer or dynamic, crafting a character's backstory, or even by changing the premise entirely.

Such theories can either improve the final product, or can detract from it where often less is more, or where mystery and a question for the audience to ponder without definitive confirmation are a good thing.

Not even the most popular movies ever made are safe from audiences trying to find hidden layers and adding unseen aspects to try and improve on proceedings, whether it's one of the greatest superhero outings ever, a legendary animated powerhouse, or some of the most iconic and influential films of all time.

10. The Show Was Sabotaged From Within - The Truman Show

Inglourious Basterds Bar Scene

The Truman Show demonstrated reality TV at its highest possible level, as the subject of the show, Jim Carrey's Truman, didn't even realise what was going on. He thought that the world created by Christof was reality, and it took a ridiculous amount of work to create such an illusion.

This is why seeing so many things jump out at Truman in just one day is a little hard to believe. Certain things like "dead" characters trying to make contact, or fans breaking in to tear down the fourth wall weren't in the show's control, but other things happened within a short span that should have been. According to this theory, these things were well under the control of an inside group trying to lead Truman to discover his life was a lie.

A worker could have loosened the light, causing it to fall, someone could have changed the radio frequency in Truman's car so he could hear himself being watched, and surely the actors playing supposed strangers in his life would have known better than to call him by his actual name.

All of these things happening so close together simply can't be a coincidence. People trying to outright tell him about the show had failed, but if they could plant the idea that things weren't right in his head without specifically telling him, then nothing Christof could throw at him would be able to quell it.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.