10 More Exact Moments We Knew Horror Movie Characters Were Doomed

Moments you know these characters' numbers were up...

Final Destination
New Line Cinema

The death scene is a pivotal moment in any horror movie. Seeing characters get dispatched in gruesome and frightening ways is among the many reasons why the genre has amassed a huge fanbase. However, while some filmmakers prefer a jump scare type of death, the polar opposite can also be as effective.

This is usually done in horror films when you see a character make a decision that seals their fate. May it be through sheer carelessness or important details they might have missed, audiences immediately know when the person has sealed their own death sentence.

This website has already discussed numerous examples of moments where audiences knew horror movie characters were doomed, but with the vast ocean that is the horror genre there is still more to cover.

With that said, because this will be discussing major character deaths, take this as a spoiler warning to those who haven't seen the films on this list.

10. Ms. Lewton - Final Destination

Final Destination
New Line Cinema

Ms. Val Lewton was one of the survivors of Flight 180 in the original Final Destination. A teacher at Mt. Abraham High School, she develops survivor's guilt for leaving the plane and at the same time, blames protagonist Alex Browning for the accident.

In the middle of the film, she reports Alex to the FBI after she sees him sneaking into her home. But she'll eventually regret this decision, however, as Browning was there to save her as Lewton is next on Death's list.

She washes a hot mug in cold water which causes it to crack. Then she pours vodka but due to the crack, the alcohol starts spilling all over her house. Eventually, she sets her drink on top of the computer monitor. Keen audiences then immediately realize that Ms. Lewton has set the pieces that will lead to her death sequence.

And wouldn't you know it, the computer explodes and sends shrapnel flying into her neck. As she starts bleeding all over her home, the blast also ignites the alcohol; causing a huge fire that engulfs everything around her. As she bleeds to death, she tries in vain to grab a cloth only for it to drag a knife that stabs her in the chest.


Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.