10 Hugely Successful Movies That Amazingly Never Got Sequels
Taking a gander at the list of the highest grossing movies of all time makes one thing clear above all else - Hollywood loves sequels. The overwhelming majority of the films on that list are either sequels of movies themselves, original movies that have had sequels, or movies with sequels in the works, yet every so often, one stumbles across an original movie that, for one reason or another, has never had a sequel despite the tremendous success it scored at the box office (and often with critics also). It's weirdly refreshing to see brilliant standalone films that don't necessitate a sequel actually being left alone by Hollywood, though our inner cynic has to wonder - why? Plenty of these movies would be ripe for the sequel treatment, and in one case, a sequel to the source material even exists already! Here are 10 hugely successful movies that amazingly never got sequels...