10 Horror Movie Characters Who Repeatedly Made The Wrong Decisions

8. Marcy - Cabin Fever (2002)

Piggy Roci

Eli Roth's Cabin Fever admittedly doesn't put a premium on characters with even a basic sense of self-preservation, and then there's Marcy (Cerina Vincent), who damn-near signs her own death warrant.

Despite the entire group being well aware that there's a flesh-eating virus making the rounds, Marcy makes the extremely ill-advised decision to impulsively have unprotected sex with Paul (Rider Strong). Yet it's Marcy, not Paul, who is then shown to already be infected, and a few scenes later, she takes a bath in an attempt to de-stress. There, while shaving her legs, the flesh from Marcy's leg literally starts peeling off with each razor stroke.

Bafflingly, though, Marcy continues to shave her gory leg for a few more strokes, and upon finally clocking what's going on, she runs out of the cabin, where she's promptly torn apart by a dog.

In the film's DVD commentary, Roth points out that Marcy is so wracked with anxiety about the virus that she doesn't immediately pay attention to her bloody leg while shaving, yet the way it's shot and edited fails to convey that, simply making Marcy look incredibly careless.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.