10 Horrifying Details You Missed In Recent Horror Movies

9. Ms. Collins Hints At Her True Nature Early On - Last Night In Soho

Halloween Kills Halloween Ends

The big twist in Edgar Wright's most recent film Last Night in Soho is that fashion student Ellie's (Thomasin McKenzie) landlady Ms. Collins (Diana Rigg) is actually an older version of Sandie (Anya Taylor-Joy), the young woman Ellie meets when she's transported back to the 1960s.

Better still, as a young woman Sandie took the men she was being pimped out to back to her home and killed them, before hiding them in the house's walls and beneath the floorboards.

Yet this is actually hinted at early on when Ellie first views the room and Ms. Collins says to her:

"You won't have to worry about it until the summer, but then you'll have to keep the plugs in 'cause all the smells rise up."

Though on a first viewing audiences will simply assume that poor plumbing and/or London sewage are the cause of the smell, this is Collins basically cooking up an excuse for the fact that there are the corpses of men lining the walls of the house.

Amusingly, Collins also tells Ellie that the French bistro next door constantly gives off a strong scent of garlic, which quite helpfully aids her in concealing the aforementioned rotting body smell.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.