10 Hilariously Bad Comic Book Panels You Won't Believe Exist

8. Lend Grim Reaper A Hand - Avengers #160 (1977)

Batman Injustice
Marvel Comics

The Grim Reaper may not be a well-known supervillain, but he's easy to recognise since he has a scythe in place of his right hand. Now, if you met a guy with a reaping tool jutting out of his forearm, that seems like the type of thing you'd remember.

Somehow, this detail escaped the attention of the creative team behind Avengers #160. While the Grim Reaper battles Earth's mightiest heroes in this issue, he pulls off his mask to reveal he's Eric Williams, the brother of the Avengers' member, Wonder Man.

We then cut to a panel of the Reaper putting his mask back on with two regular hands, with his scythe nowhere to be seen! Wonder Man then batters the Reaper into submission, oblivious that his brother's hand has magically grown back.

If you REALLY want to play devil's advocate, you can claim the penciller, the colourist, and the inker of this comic suddenly developed amnesia at that point, causing them to forget the character was one-handed.

However, this makes this flub more bewildering since the Grim Reaper is drawn with one hand... on the same page!!

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