10 Hidden Mechanics That Totally Change Video Games

The secret of the Blue Fire remains intact.

crash team racing blue fire

Given the scope of some of the video games out there, it shouldn't come as a surprise that players may not be aware of everything that is happening at any given time.

Let's talk hidden mechanics - gameplay possibilities that aren't mentioned anywhere official, either due to an oversight or a deliberate decision made by the developers.

Many of these can be really fun. Not just because of the thrill of discovering them as you play, but also because they tend to add something new and interesting to your time with the game.

For some hidden mechanics, the addition can be something as simple as a small quality-of-life improvement. For others, the mechanic will throw you for a loop and completely change the way in which you think about the game.

It's always fun to toy with things you aren't supposed to, but it can be even more fun when they completely challenge your knowledge regarding your favorite title, or make a task infinitely easier.

After learning about the following tips and tricks, you'll never look at any of these games the same way again.

10. Wavedashing - Super Smash Bros.

crash team racing blue fire

Wavedashing is an interesting hidden mechanic in the Super Smash Bros. series, as its discovery led to a complete change in the way people play the game competitively to this day.

Super Smash Bros. is chockful of techniques and combos that you need to understand in order to elevate your combat skills to the next level. Most of these techniques can be learned by checking out the games' manuals, except for wavedashing. That is because wavedashing is technically an exploit of the game's physics engine, which causes the character to slide if the player air-dodges diagonally into the ground.

It might not seem like much, but this sliding movement can allows you to perform any ground actions while still moving horizontally. It means you can position yourself while attacking or blocking, and this technique can even allow the player to psyche out their opponent with an unexpected combo.

Naturally, these possibilities were noticed by the professional circle of smash players. Wavedashing became a staple of high-level Smash Bros. fights, and to this day, learning the technique is almost like a rite of passage for those who wish to dominate their friends at a party.


Just you average guy who loves to write, travel, and write while travelling.