10 Greatest Splash Pages In Marvel Comic Book History

8. Kitty & Peter’s Future - Ultimate Spider-Man #200

Spider Man No More
Marvel Comics

Poor Kitty Pryde.

The character known as Shadowcat in certain circles was placed into the Ultimate Spider-Man arc purely to have her heart broken.

She and Peter Parker used to be in a relationship, but that didn't work out for several reasons. The fact that she was a mutant in a world where her kind were utterly hated probably didn't help.

Then, as if things couldn't get any worse, Peter goes and dies a heroic death! Selfish jerk.

Ultimate Spider-Man #200 picks up the action two years after Pete's sacrifice. At a gathering organised by Aunt May to remember the fallen hero, his friends and loved ones begin to wonder what life might be like if he had survived.

Kitty's ponderings are by far the most tragic, as she imagines her and Peter's life together as a couple.

In this beautifully tragic page, drawn by the fantastically talented Ultimate team (David Marquez, Mark Bagley, Mark Brooks, Stuart Immonen, David Lafuente, and Sara Pichelli), Pryde pictures a perfect future where she and her love live and work together in peace.

Even if Peter had survived, this future was never possible. Kitty's hopeless transfixion on her former boyfriend is utterly devastating, as this panel conveys.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.