10 Genius Ways Wrestlers Proved The Critics Wrong

Galaxy-brained responses to basic-level criticism.

The Young Bucks don't sell, says yer da

It's safe to say that if you want to become a professional wrestler, you need to develop a thick skin towards criticism. This is especially true for today's wrestlers who, after every match/TV appearance/sighting at a local supermarket, can look forward to a barrage of critiques on social media about their ring-work, promo skills or purchasing habits ("They bought normal Coke instead of Diet? IT'S LIKE THEY'RE NOT EVEN TRYING ANYMORE!")

Having said that, criticism of wrestlers isn't exactly the sole domain of bored internet trolls. Way before Facebook was a gleam in Zuckerberg's cold, lifeless eyes, wrestling audiences were chanting "DIE ROCKY DIE" at the seemingly hopeless Rocky Maivia, and Bret Hart was seen by Vince McMahon himself as not a big enough name to wrestle in Madison Square Garden.

Naturally, both those wrestlers proved their critics wrong. And, in the decades since, many other wrestlers have joined Bret and Rocky in forcing their critics to eat a big helping of humble pie. (Although The Rock is the only one who made the critics turn the pie sideways and... well, you know the rest).

So, let's kick off the list in style by taking a look at how one of the biggest names in wrestling shut down one of the sport's longest-serving chants...

10. John Cena's Open Match Challenge

The Young Bucks don't sell, says yer da

"YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!" *clap-clap-clapclapclap* "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE!" *clap-clap-clapclapclap*

This chant dogged John Cena for 𝘺𝘦𝘒𝘳𝘴. After becoming the face of the company by dethroning JBL at WrestleMania 21, wrestling audiences rebelled against the former fan-favourite in vicious fashion. Like a Manchester United board member, John essentially spent ten years being told by the fans that he sucked at his job. The difference being, John Cena actually quelled fan dissatisfaction through his seminal US Open Challenge series.

After taking the US Title off Rusev at WrestleMania 31, Cena became a fighting champion and spent months on RAW defending the belt against any and all challengers. To the surprise of many, the results were spectacular. As well as putting in surprisingly enjoyable matches against midcard no-hopers like Zack Ryder and Stardust, Cena put on genuine Match of The Year contenders against Sami Zayn and Cesaro. The challenge also ignited his superlative feud against Kevin Owens, which helped cement KO as a genuine main-event level talent.

Cena followed his stellar 2015 with a cracking feud against AJ Styles the following year, finally putting a conclusive end to the chant that had followed him since his first World Championship win.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.