10 Gaming Characters Whose Fates Were Left Unresolved

Agonisingly unsatisfying.

Half Life 2

Cliffhangers certainly aren't uncommon in the gaming world: they can be a fantastic way to set the table for a sequel that fans will be gagging to play, while sometimes they're simply a result of a game that was rushed to market before it was complete (looking at you, Halo 2).

But the overwhelming majority of video game cliffhangers are resolved eventually, because when there's money to be made, a sequel is sure to emerge sooner rather than later.

Yet that's not always the case, and more specifically, there are a handful of games which have left the fate of a major character, perhaps even the protagonist themselves, entirely up for debate.

These 10 games, whether due to poor sales or the developer's intentional (and infuriating) preference for ambiguity, have never resolved the fates of these beloved video game characters.

Though fans certainly have their theories, it's sadly unlikely that the overwhelming majority of these M.I.A. cases will ever be decisively resolved...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.