10 Famous Actors Who Can't Help Doing The Same Thing In Every Movie

Old habits die hard.

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By now, the world at large is more than familiar with Brad Pitt's tendency to chow down on some food product (and occasionally the scenery) in pretty much every single movie - whether or not getting Brad Pitt to eat on set has become something of a Hollywood in-joke, or is nothing but the sum of several coincidences, the point remains: we've noticed him doing it enough now so that it's become something of a curious phenomenon. But Mr. Pitt is not alone in his willingness to repeat one specific trait across multiple films: we even dedicated an entire article to the subject last year. Yes, we explored Shia LaBeouf's incapability of filming a movie without peppering his scenes with the catchphrase, "No! No! No! No!," Harrison Ford's immortal index finger that comes out whenever he's required to "mean business," and Leonardo DiCaprio's tendency to play wealthy characters who raise their glasses into the air with a grin. But it doesn't end with that list: there are even more actors out there who you may or may not have noticed have a running trait that follows them from movie to movie, from character to character. Here are 10 more for your perusal...