10 Famous Actor Pairings You Didn't Realise Hated One Another In Real Life

1. Anthony Daniels & Kenny Baker - Star Wars

One can't say "C-3PO€ without his long-time companion R2-D2 coming to mind along with the frantic and frequently melodramatic droid, and for good reason: the much-loved pair is scarcely seen apart throughout the six Star Wars films, having cheeky squabbles and hilarious misadventures like (admittedly adorable, for protocol droids) children. That being said, it€™s a genuinely tragic revelation to hear that the actor inside R2-D2, Kenny Baker, can€™t stand his counterpart, Anthony Daniels. According to a then-furious Baker, the C-3PO actor was the rudest person that he had ever met: Daniels severely chastised him one day on set for saying a mere "hello." Daniels had apparently turned his back on Baker after the innocuous greeting and snapped: "Can€™t you see I€™m having a conversation?" Since then, there€™s been friction between the pair; Baker maintains that Daniels made him feel small, and that the withdrawn Daniels didn€™t get along much with anybody. So it€™s no wonder why, although they€™re one of the most beloved science fiction duos short of Kirk and Spock, you would be hard-pressed to find them appearing together at any fan convention. But, I mean, if you were part of the most renowned sci-fi film series of all time and you were better known as a string of digits and letters, you€™d be at least a little bitter too, right? Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.