10 Experimental TV Episodes You NEED To See

9. Paradigms Of Human Memory - Community

Community Paradigms Of Human Memory
Sony Pictures Television

Now in fairness, this list could consist entirely of Community episodes, given the beloved sitcom's penchant for getting really, really weird with its conceptual storytelling.

But perhaps the most inspired of all the experimental Community episodes is season two's "Paradigms of Human Memory," with the study group recalling events from the past year in the vein of a prototypical sitcom clip show.

Yet there's a twist - all of the "clips" featured throughout the episode consist of entirely new material shot specifically for it, with the cast shooting over 70 new fragments of scenes to be included as flashbacks.

Considering that the clip show is one of the stalest and laziest episode types imaginable - typically produced to cut costs and pad out a series' episode order as it approaches the syndication threshold - to see Community aggressively send it up so cleverly was a massive treat.

It's also where the show's soon-to-be-realised rallying cry of "six seasons and a movie" was born.

This ingenious concept was repeated in the season three episode "Curriculum Unavailable", though it's safe to say that the sequel lacked much of the freshness and inventiveness of the original iteration.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.