10 Dumbest Decisions Made By Final Destination Characters

If Death didn't kill these Final Destination characters, their incredibly dumb decisions would.

Final Destination 3
New Line Cinema

The schlocky horror franchise which succeeded in making audiences terrified of planes, rollercoasters, and tanning beds, The Final Destination films all follow the same basic blueprint.

Each movie's central protagonist has a premonition of a horrific accident that would kill them and dozens of others in bone-crunchingly violent ways. After removing themselves and a group of other people from the impending tragedy, the survivors are subsequently killed by Death in a series of elaborate and implausible accidents as a means of rebalancing the scales.

While most of the gruesomely gory deaths onscreen are the result of unforeseen circumstance and bad luck, there are some kills that were more to do with the character’s own poor decision-making skills than anything that Death had in store for them.

Although it would have been near impossible for some of these unfortunates to escape their fates, there are just as many other survivors who sealed their own (or others') through incompetence and idiocy that could have been avoided had they taken a moment to think or followed basic instructions.

If Death weren’t actively trying to kill these people, it’s more than likely that they’d meet their ends soon anyway if this was how they chose to act.

10. The Clumsy Firefighter - Final Destination 2

Final Destination 3
New Line Cinema

Not long after they evade the gnarly traffic accident which kickstarts Death’s revenge in Final Destination 2, the remaining characters find themselves in another car accident when a tyre blowout causes their vehicle to swerve off the road and into a farm. Although nobody dies in this incident, Eugene is left injured while Kat’s leg is pinned by a log.

Characteristically impatient, Kat sarcastically snaps at a firefighter to be quieter while he attempts to rescue her life. In an unprofessional and ill-conceived move, he violently thrusts the jaws of life into the car out of spite. As a result of his poor decision, the car’s airbag is deployed, which pushes Kat's head into a sharp pole sticking through the headrest.

Kat’s lit cigarette then falls from her hand and ignites a trail of gasoline leading to a news van. The vehicle subsequently explodes, sending a segment of barbed wire fence careening through the air and slicing through Rory, neatly cutting him in three pieces.

A firefighter’s job is supposed to be to rescue people, but this rescuer’s careless actions led to the death of two characters because he couldn’t keep his cool while on the job.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Master's degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.