10 DISASTROUS Attempts At Forcing Game Franchises To Continue

8. Battletoads (2020)

goldeneye rogue agent
Dlala Studios

'90s gamers are sure to have plenty of memories of Battletoads. (They weren't necessarily fond memories however, due to the infernal Turbo Tunnel level.) Despite being one of the few Ninja Turtle rip-offs that garnered praise, Battletoads quickly vanished into obscurity.

After a 26-year hiatus, the amphibious trio, Rash, Zitz, and Pimple, returned in a reboot, simply called Battletoads.

Unfortunately, the slapped-together art and derivative level designs makes this do-over look like a Flash game. Even though the original series didn't take itself serious (it was literally called Battletoads,) the edgy, self-referential gags here are cringey as hell.

If fans thought this incarnation of Battletoads could at least maintain the solid gameplay of its predecessor, they were mistaken. The collision detection is overly precise, so it's hard to hit enemies with the simplest attacks. The titular heroes move at a snail's pace, almost like the developers forgot what animal they're supposed to be.

In its defence, 2020's Battletoads tried to mix things up, tossing in puzzles, hover-bike levels, and mini-games. However, the beat 'em up sections, which take up the bulk of gameplay, are tedious and repetitive.

Based on how awful this instalment turned out, it's possible Battletoads has finally croaked.


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