10 Comic Book Movie Characters Who Face Uncertain On-Screen Futures

Will Jeremy Renner ever be able to play Hawkeye again?

Moon Knight Marc Asylum
Marvel Studios

Comic book movies are like a revolving door. Fresh actors and characters enter as the experienced and established ones leave. Out with the old, in with the new, to put it bluntly. It sounds cutthroat, but hey, that’s Hollywood.

Every character has a use-by date, and if ignored, they run the risk of going stale. No actor wants to play the same part forever, so it's about the studio and star getting the best out of each other while they can.

So, it's not uncommon for certain characters to be left behind as anticipation and excitement are instead directed to the new sheriff in town. After all, you’re only as valuable as the audience and critics deem you to be.

And, when it comes to DC and Marvel, they have their work cut out for them in tying up those loose ends as there sure are more than a few to sort. Understandably, not every superhero fits into the equation, and there lies the problem.

It's a complicated ordeal, as these 10 comic book characters make evident as their on-screen futures are up for debate for a host of reasons. Box office returns, contracts expiring, personal health and schedules are just a handful of alarming and pressing matters that cloud these characters' futures. No pressure Kevin Feige and James Gunn, but you’ve got some big decisions to make… good luck!

10. The Spider-Men

Moon Knight Marc Asylum
Marvel Studios

Although Tom Holland’s Spider-Man was a surprising omission from Kevin Feige’s Phase 5 announcement and cinematic landscape, he will almost certainly be back to don the Spidey suit. However, the same can’t be said for definite regarding his predecessors.

Regardless of the fact it was the worst kept secret in town, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s coinciding homecomings to the silver screen to fight alongside our current web-slinger made for an unforgettable moment and spectacle.

The three live-action Spider-Men bounced off one another perfectly in No Way Home as they bonded and united over their imperfections and traumatic pasts leaving fans wanting to see more of the same down the line. Garfield and Maguire made the seemingly impossible very much possible by reprising their roles, and the decision to do so has highlighted the fact that truly anything is possible within the MCU’s current implementation of multiversal madness and mayhem.

Though they were back and better than ever, maybe don’t get your hopes up for Garfield and Maguire-focused films set within their respective universes. That’s not to say never say never, but with the excitement generated and money grossed from their MCU debuts, Feige would be foolish not to roll the dice on them returning for Secret Wars.

It may come down to whether the now dynamic duo would be willing to come back again, but considering their past achievement, round two may very well be on the cards for them both.

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Avid Chelsea, England cricket and Scotland rugby supporter and sufferer. Proud northerner who for some reason sounds southern. Enjoy matching a face to a name, and will watch absolutely anything Stephen Graham is in. Greatest achievement? Getting winked at by James McAvoy.