10 Biggest TV Controversies Of 2023

9. Contestants Plan Legal Action Over Injuries - Squid Game: The Challenge

Secret Invasion

Netflix's Squid Game-themed game show The Challenge is something of a ferociously addictive guilty pleasure - an ingeniously conceived remix of the hit South Korean drama series, even if it might inherently undermine the source material's own capitalist critique.

Beyond this, the gameshow made unsavoury headlines months before it aired, when reports emerged that two players were preparing to file a lawsuit against producers and Netflix due to injuries inflicted while filming one of the games.

The pair allege that they suffered hypothermia and nerve damage while taking part in the show's opening game, "Red Light, Green Light," which while unfolding over a mere hour-long episode, took seven hours to film inside a chilly UK airport hangar.

To date, Netflix asserts that no lawsuit has officially been filed, and that they complied with safety inspections carried out during filming, yet other contestants have also spoken out about enduring harsh conditions and even the possibility that aspects of the show were rigged.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.