10 Biggest Behind The Scenes Star Trek Mistakes That Ever Happened

Sometimes, actors have been lost. Sometimes, entire plots have been lost. Sometimes - Threshold...

Star Trek Into Darkness Benedict Cumberbatch Khan
Paramount Pictures

Mistakes happen and that's fine - it's a simple fact of life. How we react to those mistakes can be a good indicator as to what type of a person we are, or what type of organisation. If, for examepl, TrekCulture were to say that Star Trek is awful and should be taken off the air, that would be a mistake. If they were to continue that mistake, then there should quite rightfully be war!

No one is immune to this, least of all the many writers and producers on this franchise. From the Original Series and right up to Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks, very questionable decisions have managed to sneak their ways through various editors and directors, ending up on-screen when it would perhaps be simpler for them to simply have been chucked in the bin, along with Spock's Brain.

This list doesn't cover every mistake that's been made (there simply wasn't time to talk about Code of Honour today) but it does cover quite a few of them. Check the list to see if the biggest Trek mistake in your opinion is here for show!

10. Brannon Braga Removes The Explanation Of Threshold And A New Level Of Hell Has Been Discovered

Tom Paris Death Star Trek Voyager

Let there be no mistaking this - Threshold really is that bad!

The idea for the episode came from the then-head of New Line Cinema, Michael de Luca. Brannon Braga wrote the episode, with Robert Duncan McNeill being shocked by the first edit. He was stunned that they were actually going to film it.

The idea behind the episode was to challenge a core rule that Gene Roddenberry had established (breaking the warp 10 barrier), which would lead to, Braga hoped, an interesting discussion on the nature of evolution. As the episode progresses, Paris (and Janeway) end up evolving into salamander type creatures, which was Braga's way of showing that evolution does not always travel upward. However, in the editing room, that explanation was lost.

The episode is considered by many fans as among the worst that Star Trek has ever produced. In fact, in a battle between this, Code of Honour and Spock's Brain (special mention for Extinction!) one would be hard pressed to pick a ?winner?

One bright spot on this dark and dreary tale is that, despite the nonsense he was forced to ensure, McNeill delivers a compelling performance as a man who is losing himself. And, as he may well have been losing his mind while filming, it was a fine exploration of the nature of insanity!

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Writer. Reader. Podcast Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check out my weekly podcast on all things....well all things film! Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick or at the website https://seanferrick.wordpress.com/