10 Almost Perfect Movies (With One Terrible Scene)

9. “We Can Do It In The A******” - Kingsman: The Secret Service

Superman 1978
20th Century Fox

Coming out of seeing Kingsman: The Secret Service for the first time will leave most people feeling great. But they'll also think, "was the anal joke really necessary?" - which is one hell of a final note to leave your audience on.

This goofy spy flick is an action-packed thrillride with plenty of laughs and a strong identity, but it goes too far in one scene that blows miles past the movie's tongue-in-cheek tone.

The moment in question is set up when Eggsy (the protagonist) stumbles across a Swedish Princess locked in a cell. They flirt, he promises to save her, and then she delivers the infamous line, "if you save the world, we can do it in the a******." What?!

The joke is then paid off in the final moments as Merlin watches through Eggsy's glasses as he enters her cell and *ahem* prepares to do the deed. This could have been a light-hearted final gag had it stopped a little earlier, but it goes past that as you get an unnecessary shot of the princess' bare butt.

Everything else in this movie passes with flying colours, but this out of pocket and rather misogynistic moment probably should have been left on the cutting room floor.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!